Toxins and effects of detox

Types of toxins:

Obvious toxins: alcohol, smoking, caffeine

Hidden toxins: medication, preservatives, pollution, diet sodas, artificial sweeteners (aspartame), unsaturated fats (specially man made), stress, meat (antibiotics, steroids, genetically modified, growth hormones), non organic fruits and vegetables (pesticides, fertilizers, acid rain and soil pollution) and carcinogens (potentially cancerous).

Signs and symptoms of toxicity:

Aches and pains
Bad breath
Blotchy skin
Bowel problems
Constant colds and infections
Digestive problems
Flatulence or burping
Frequent mood swings
Fluid retention
Gall bladder diseases
High cholesterol levels
Irritable bowel syndrome
Inability to lose weight
Joint pains
Low energy levels
Poor circulation
Runny nose /itchy red eyes
Slow metabolism
Skin rash

Effects of Detoxification:

Raises energy levels
Assists weight loss and improves digestion
Brighter skin complexion
Relief through bowel movement
Elimination of bloated feeling
Mental alertness and increased concentration
Fewer headaches, if not completed eliminated
Renewed ability to relax
Better sleep
Increased circulation and lymphatic flow, thus encouraging "feel good factor" and less cellulite/waste build up
Reduction in allergies
Allows body to to absorb vitamins and minerals faster and more effectively
Live longer
Less aches and pains

What does detoxification involve?

Detoxification is a 2 step process:
  1. You need to reduce your exposure to toxins in your food, drink and environment to a minimum, by substituting different products and food preparation methods for existing ones.
  2. You need to give your body the tools it needs to eliminate the toxins it has stored in the past, in order for cells and organs to be able to function at their peak, to repair themselves and to produce energy efficiently, by increasing certain foods and drinks in the diet that encourage the process of handling and eliminating toxins.
How will you feel after a detox?

You should become bright eyed, clear-headed and energetic. You will also find that you will experience dramatic improvements in problems that have plagued you for years, such as distended tummy, cellulite, intestinal gas, headaches,, skin problems such as eczema and acne, and respiratory ailments such as asthma. In the long term, if you stick to your detoxification program, and ideally make the principles part of your life, you can find that chronic problems, such as migraines, high cholesterol levels and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can improve beyond recognition or even be resolved.

The solution to pollution is dilution

When the body is carrying an excess of toxic load one of its solutions is to dilute the toxins by retaining water. Water is also the means by which toxins are flushed out of the body tissues for excretion in the urine. Water is vital for detoxification.
Many people suffer from chronic dehydration, induced by modern lifestyles. Tea, coffee and colas have replaced water as a beverage, leading to diverse health problems, not to mention build up of toxins. If the body is dehydrated, water will be allocated to vital functions such as heart and brain function. When dehydration occurs, muscle and non-essential tissues are affected, leading to pain and other symptoms. By the time the sensation of thirst is felt, there is already dehydration throughout the body.

Internal cleansing

Just think about how much time you spend on your daily ablutions: you bathe or shower several times a week, clean your teeth twice a day, shampoo and condition your hair several times a week, you may even have a massage or sauna. As a society, we worry about body odours, adding scents to our baths and applying it to our skin, and a problem with personal hygiene is soon commented upon at home or work. Yet, despite our obsession with outer cleanliness most people give little thought to their inner cleanliness.
Every day, debris accumulates in cells, in blood, in the liver, in the lungs and in the colon. Fatigue, sluggish metabolism, lackluster skin, dull hair and tired eyes are sign s that our bodies are overloaded with toxins. Cleansing our bodies internally can have significant impact on our appearance. Inner health is reflected in a glowing skin, shinning hair and bright eyes.


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