Five ways to anti-age your hands

Your hands age faster than your face, so follow the 5 tips to keep your hands looking younger for longer.

Stay clear of sugar
You know it's bad for your waistline but having a sweet tooth may also be bad for your skin, as it's linked to premature ageing. Sugar attaches to proteins in your blood and forms new molecules called advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which erode collagen and elastin production. Over time, they also weaken your natural antioxidant enzymes, which means your skin is more vulnerable to damage and ages faster. Another culprit is, surprisingly, grilling food. It turns out that dry heat may also produce AGEs. So, start steaming instead.

Be manicure savvy
Groomed nails always flatter hands, so if you've been overdoing the gel manicures, repair damage with a fortifying treatment rich in calcium to strengthen your nails.
When booking a salon visit, ask for a full manicure with hand massage to boost circulation. At home, opt for a bright nail enamel colour to distract from pigmentation marks on your skin.

Double your defence
The skin on the back of your hands is thinner and more exposed to the elements than the rest of your body. Add detergents and hand-washing and you need some hard-working products to help them. Start with a hand wash that doubles the treatment and a hand cream with added SPF.

Pamper to unwind
Give your hands a pampering treatment once a week to get rid of dead skin cells, boost micro circulation and keep them soft and radiant. It's also a good way to relax at the end of a long day. Exfoliate with a gentle scrub, then massage your hands with nourishing argan oil. Apply at the centre of your hands and move towards the tips of your fingers. Don't forget to give your wrists some treatment too. Finish with a nourishing hand cream and wear cotton gloves overnight so the cream is totally absorbed.

Have a hand lift
Fillers and hand treatments are increasingly popular as they make skin look plumper and target pigmentation. If you prefer something more lo-fi, apply a couple of drops of anti-ageing serum to your hands before moisturizing. Choose a firming and lifting concentrate, to increase collagen production and boost cell renewal. Follow with a nourishing cream with SPF.


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