Fig and pear jam


600g figs
400g pears, peeled, cored and diced
finely grated zest and juice of 1 large orange and 1 lemon
850g sugar
8 green cardamom pods, crushed and pods discarded


Place the figs in a pan with 2 tbs water, heat gently to simmer and cook until soft and juicy.
Then, place all ingredients in a bowl and leave for 1 hour.
Pour into a preserving pan, stir over a low heat to dissolve the sugar, then turn up the heat and bring to simmering point.
Pour into a glass or ceramic bowl, cover with greaseproof paper pushed down onto the surface and leave overnight in the fridge.
Next day, pour the contents back into the pan and stir over a low heat, then turn up the heat and boil rapidily to reach setting point.
Pour the jam into hot, sterilized jars.

Tips for jam problem solving.


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