
Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to promote the health and well-being of the mind and body.

Aromatherapy works in 2 ways: inhalation and absorption.

Essential oils vaporize readily and can therefore enter the body via the air through the nose and bronchial passages. Adding a few drops of essential oil to a tissue, a bowl of hot water or to a warm bath, releases vapour, which is then inhaled. During massage there is also a degree of inhalation as the oils vaporize due to body heat.
An aroma can have an immediate effect on the mind and body. Tiny hair-like extensions of the brain at the top of the nose detect all aromas, which are rapidly interpreted by the brain. The faster a stimuli can reach the brain, the faster the effect will take place.

Essential oils are absorbed through the skin directly into the bloodstream via carriers such as water (baths and compresses), vegetable oils, lotions and creams (application and massage).
Traditionally, essential oils have been used hand-to-hand with massage, which utilizes another very important sense: the touch. People who are not well, or are stressed, benefit simply by the touch of another human being. Old people and people suffering from diseases such as cancer can benefit enormously from the power of touch. In fact, we all do. Touch in itself brings us closer to others and immediately helps us to de-stress, making an aromatherapy treatment a double benefit to a person's health.
Although the effects of using a single essential oil are beneficial to the health, the synergistic effect using 2 to 4 essential oils adds considerably to the improvement shown; it also ensures that an oil needing care in use is not over used, as its proportion will automatically be substantially reduced.

Aromatherapy treatments
The ultimate experience of the combined effects of smell and touch is in a professional aromatherapy treatment, which is part of the complementary medicine for relieving stress. A consultation taking in account factors as lifestyle, nutrition, skin and mental well-being, is followed by a massage with selected essential oils to help your emotional and physical state. Specialized massage techniques which relieves tension, drains lymph fluids and improve circulation, will help to rejuvenate the body, removing aches and pains and generally promoting balanced, good health. Regular 4-6 weekly treatments will keep your mind relaxed and your body healthy and in good condition.
Aromatherapy treatments are effective against stress, depression, arthritis, asthma, period problems, cellulite and many more conditions.

All pure essential oils are ready for use in the following ways:

A few drops (6-8) on a paper tissue or in a basin of warm water (not asthmatics).

6-8 drops in a bath prepared to a comfortable temperature. Soak in the bath for 10 minutes.

Pour just enough hot water (or cold, depending on the problem) into a bowl to be soaked up in the size of cotton compress chosen and add 4-8 drops of essential oil. Squeeze slightly, apply and cover with clingfilm, then a warm scarf (or ice-pack). Leave for 2 hours.

Massage or aplication
15 drops in 50 ml carrier oil or lotion to be massaged into the affected area. For single applications use 2-3 drops in one teaspoon carrier oil or lotion.

Gargle or mouthwash
Use 2-3 drops in half a cupful of warm water. Stir well before each gargle.

Foot and hand baths
4-5 drops in a bowl of warm water. Steep in for 10 minutes. Follow with massage or application.

Room freshner
Put 10-12 drops with water into a small bowl in a warm place, ex: radiator shelf, or an oil burner.

  • Essential oils should never be used neat on the skin (unless in an emergency for such as burns, bruises, wounds...).
  • Do not take essential oils internally unless under the supervision of a suitable qualified person.
  • Keep essential oils away from children and out of the eyes.
  • Check for contra-indications to any oils for specific conditions such as pregnancy, sun-bathing, or major health problems you may have. If your choice is contra-indicated, do not use it on a regular basis or in a concentration of more than 5%.


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