
Also known as micro-medical skin needing, the Dermaroller has been described as looking like a mini medieval instrument of torture. Skin is numbed first, then the device is rolled across the skin to make thousands of microscopic needle holes in the dermis, increasing blood flow, prompting skin to produce collagen and generate new cells. It is used to treat signs of ageing, sun damage, wrinkles, acne scars and stretch marks.
For a few days, skin looks almost sunburned and needs extra care, especially moisturizing. It is often most effective on the lower part of the face; skin will appear generally plumper, smoother and firmer but results are not instant. Three sessions carried out six weeks apart are usually recommended with visible results after the second session.
Be careful as there are imitations around and treatments should always be by a practitioner or authorized clinic. There is a risk of infection from puncture wounds.
Studies have shown that trauma to the skin through tiny puncture wounds like Dermaroller, can dramatically increase natural collagen levels.


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