Storing bread

Most home-made bread is at its best when served freshly baked and on the day it is made. It should be eaten within 1 or 2 days because it stales quite fast.
Bread made from enriched doughs, with a high fat or sugar content, is also best eaten freshly baked, but will keep longer, for 2 or 3 days.
Bread is best stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated bread bin or an earthenware bread crock, and not in the refrigerator. The cold draws moisture out of the bread, making it dry and stale. Wrap bread in foil or popylene food bag if it has a soft crust, and in a paper or fabric bag if it's crusty.
Bread also freezes well for a short time, up to 1 month. Simply seal the bread in a polytene freezer bab, or alternatively cut the loaf in half or into slices and freeze in convenient portions, ideal for defrosting when required. Defrost frozen breads at room temperature.
Quick and yeast free breads tend to stale quickly and these are often best eaten freshly baked or within 1 or 2 days. Many shop-bought breads contain preservatives or flour improvers, hence they have a longer storage life than home-made breads.


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