Iziki algae

Iziki algae is a rare but commonly found off the shores of Okinawa island, Japan, and has been part of their regular diet for hundreds of years.
The people from Okinawa had the most amazing rates of health and vitality into older age and were often living into their nineties and even well over a hundred.
Superoxide dismutase (S.D) is an amazing anti-ageing natural enzyme that our bodies produce when we are young to stop us ageing prematurely. It's an extremely potent antioxidant that goes about the body fighting and destroying those aggressive free radicals that attack our organs on a daily basis.
Between the of 40-60 our production of S.D declines until it's almost no-existant. Free radicals start to attack organs, causing saggy skin and wrinkles, visual problems, arthritic and muscular problems, increased blood pressure, kidney and liver problems, heart disease and decreasing mental powers.
Iziki algae contains the highest level of S.D. This amazing enzyme can be found in fruits and vegetables but generally they contain small amounts of it. Iziki algae contains 2000 times more S.D than any other fruit or vegetable.


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