In early spring, the magnolia blooms before its leaves appear. Its flowers resemble dainty cups and saucers and the tree's fragrant blooms are 12-15cm wide. They appear in shades of pink, purple or white. The tree also offers pointed buds in winter.
Buying Hints:
- Buy container-grown or wrapped-root trees in spring or early autumn. In cold areas plant out in spring.
- Avoid small trees as they can take several years to bloom for the first time. Do not buy magnolia that has its roots exposed as they may have become damaged.
Sun & Soil:
- Most magnolias prefer full sun, but will also grow and produce a show of flowers in partial shade.
- Rich, well-drained soil is best. Magnolia thrives in slightly acid or neutral, moist soil conditions, but it does not perform well in moist soil that is very alkaline.
Magnolia alba superba
Special advice:
- Plant all varieties in a sheltered location where they do not get morning sun. Flowers frozen by late spring frosts can thaw too quickly and turn brown.
- Improve soil by digging in garden compost or coconut fibre before planting magnolia against a wall.
Spring (planting & mulching)
- Plant magnolia in well-prepared soil.
- Water well in the first year.
- Apply garden compost or other organic mulch around magnolia to conserve soil moisture.
Summer (prunning)
- After the magnolia blooms, prune it as necessary to maintain the tree's shape.
- Remove any diseased or broken limbs, dead wood or crossed branches.
Winter (spraying)
- Every 2 to 4 years, before the buds open, spray the dormant tree with a winter tar oil wash, to hinder the spread of overwintering pests.
Plant doctor:
- If magnolia leaves turn yellow, examine them for tiny, light brown, slightly raised bumps that can easily be scrapped off. These are scale insects that feed on and weaken the leaves. Prune infested growth and spray with an insecticide.
Magnolia soulangeana
Planting & care:
- Dig a hole twice as wide and one-an-a-half times as deep as the root ball. Mix the soil with some compost and bone-meal.
- Place one-third of the soil mix back into hole. Carefully remove root wrapping or pot from the tree without damaging the roots.
- Place tree gently in the improved soil. Firm soil and water well. Mulch with chipped bark to keep soil moist.
- Create a watering basin by moulding soil in a circle, with the tree at the centre, 30cm out from the base of the tree.
- Prune after flowering to keep an open form. Cut out branches that prevent light from reaching the tree's centre. Remove untidy stems.
- In late winter, cut off thin branches with buds. Put water in a sunny area indoors and blooms will open in a few weeks.
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